follow the heart

I had the priviledge of playing some card games with an interesting mix of friendly people yesterday evening.  Nearly all of the games had to be explained repeatedly as few of us had ever played them.  The person suggesting the game would instruct us all as to the rules, but someone would have played a slightly different version, making it necessary to hash out intricate details of play prior to starting.  Several times I found my self waiting, wondering if most of these wouldn't resolve in time if we just went about actually playing.
I am writing this entry in response to a comment about my general disdain for philosophical and theological waste.  Too many are so sure of their understanding of the rules as it were, and resolve not to move an inch, until we're on board with their system.  I've seen so many conversations between these types releasing noxious gas into the atmosphere with endless squabbling over minor details that would self resolve if they would just move forward with what they all agree is truth.  By, "these types", I mean some of the sickest people in the world.  They know the scriptures better than most, and while some stick to the letter of what they find prescribed, very few follow the heart of the King into the love that He died to release, love that would end all of this useless babble.  They, "strain at a knat and swallow a camel."  It's time we do that which we know to do, rather than arguing that which we find most logical.  It's time we leave off being called by other men's names, and follow the man from Galilee.  The Kingdom is not a matter of talk, but of power.  I resolve to know nothing but Christ and Him crucified.  I'll be fed on His flesh.  I'll drink His blood.  I'll carry the cross.


Anonymous said...


This whole blog post was your attempt at philosophizing and explaining your theological position ("to know nothing but Christ and Him crucified").

In your attempt to describe your disdain for a certain group of people, you yourself are doing the very thing you claim to reject.

By pointing out where other's fail in their dealings with Christianity, you are actually "squabbling over minor details", namely, how others work out their salvation. You may not do so using the same language or tactics, but you did use theology and philosophy to come to the conclusions you have about Christ and what it means to be a Christian.

Be careful not to be self-contradictory in your criticism of other Christians.

With love from your sister in Christ,


SDG said...

I don't write this in judgment; their own words will condemn them. You can be sure mine will also condemn me, and yours you if we are not found laboring according to His word, being doers and not hearers only.