Piece of Cake

I love love's patience. Love is confident in its own fullness and the inevitability of its object being brought to the same. For this reason minor degrees of perfection can be more readily celebrated, and these celebrations are the more precious (rather than diminished) because the fullness has yet to come.

Here's a loose analogy for one aspect of this. I made a cake once, just to eat it. When I iced it, it crumbled to pieces, and I laughed out loud the whole time. It wasn't made for presentation, it was made to eat, so it was fine that it fell apart. It was still cake! What might have otherwise been quite distressing tended more toward a happy near delirium. It was fantastic! The cake was free to fall, and I was wonderfully pleased. It wasn't the cake it was "supposed" to be; it was divine.

When faced with apparent disorder, love recognizes and finds glad participation with the divine.

Love's patience is at rest in the desert, in a way I don't think it can be in the rich valley. I don't mean to juxtapose the worth of the two, but to say this. The one who has known the refreshment of streams in the desert enjoys those of the valley in a way another could not. I may or may not enjoy another cake better than that broken cake, but now my enjoyment of every cake is better for it.

Love doesn't feel the need for a good presentation, at least not in the way that would disrupt joy in the midst of imperfection. There's an exalted culinary artist who is perfectly crafting each one of us for specific purposes. Love praises his wisdom at every stage of development. Love knows the mess in the bowl will melt in his mouth, and treats it with the same respect.


Blue, Grey, Green

Don't worry mama: he's comin' for you.
He's gonna lift you up, beyond the blue.
Don't mind the darkness; just look for heaven's dew.
The earth is breaking open now; up springs life so new: he comes for you.

Look it's rainin' mama; a thousand tiny worlds well they can't keep away.
The earth, it pulls them down, reaches up, empties the skies of grey.
Sometimes it whispers; some-times it floods. What do you hear them say?
I hear them sing to me of love, falling to rise another day: a thousand worlds can't keep away.

The trees make peace with gravity.  They fight and they rise; they thrive on the life that dissolves the stone.
Up top they build houses for birds, and hang fruit for the ones down below.

They sing every one, and they clap their hands. Through winter and spring, be sure they will stand for the sun's return.
He was, and he is, and he comes: our hearts come alive as he burns.

He was, and he is, and he comes.

Don't worry Mama: he's comin' for you.


Raven Lochs

black, as the ravens
boast her hair, her tears
swimming on her bed
darkness, with the lights on
writhing black.

sees no counsel for this pain
such that cruelty could not plan.
seven lines of sorrows cannot hold
anguish to its end, but may suggest
another sees.



He, in his time of terror meets me
   Baptized into darkness greets me
   Where I had sealed my tomb.

I, hear the cry of separation
   His descent to condemnation
   Which was before my own.


We sing together in the Evening
   Sorrow's joys, and Rest in grieving
   Until the morning comes.



The world was to me a wife wandering from her husband, only as much as I had forgotten him. Every golden vein flowed black when it was my name I thought she called. Her purest fountain turned to wormwood as I counted it mine, and threatened the end of my thirst.

Beauty remains while we are his. Only if I pluck the flower do I dread its fading.

Instead let me sing in his fields, and drink from his vines, praising his radiance in the creatures he calls forth, and resting in his constancy as they lie down.


The Holy Spirit Reveals and Exalts Christ

I am speaking to the point of discerning whether or not a given word or spirit contradicts the testimony of Jesus Christ.
I think it's clear that satan lies mainly by improper application of truth, not predominately by outright contradiction. The enemy's message will often affirm many biblical principles, while leading a person away from dependence on Christ. To avoid deception, we have to look at our heart with God, recognizing our inability to judge correctly apart from his Word with the help of his Spirit.

It's practically very simple.  Lord, you see me. You see how I feel about this. (good or bad) Jesus, I'm coming to your throne for judgment. It's your answer that gives life, independent from my understanding or feelings. Let me walk with you. It's you I need, far beyond anything. Let me see that you hold it all, and let me hear only your voice.  Let me have your purposes and plans toward these things, and ideas, and people, and not my own.  I care (most of the time if we're honest) too much about this - let my rest be in your ordering of things. Free me from desires even for things that are good and right, when they are contrary to your leading. Let me go out with joy that is completely free from my say on any matter, because I'm so delighted in yours. Let me be led forth with the peace of your ruling all things, no less our hearts.

1 John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:
3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

  Legitimate prophecy, stands on the testimony of Jesus Christ. This is its foundational message, the point from which it gains its strength, and it's apex, the glorious vista which it spreads before you.  Here it bestows all honor and praise, and it is here that it calls for roots to be struck down deep. Jesus Christ, of the seed of David, raised from the dead, presently building his church, coming soon to delight in her perfection. He's fully pleased and overflowing, the perfect object of the father's joy.  Well meaning messengers may effect emotional response without drawing your confidence toward Christ. Our enemy wants you to feel good about yourself without regard for how the father feels about Jesus. But we're meant to look to the fulfillment of scriptures, the exaltation of Jesus Christ as the true Messiah, our currently reigning King and accessible friend, not to the word of so called prophets who prey on the desires of our flesh.  Did the word exhort you to look to Jesus, the living Christ?

 9 And the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.” And he said to me, “These are the true words of God.” 10 Then I fell down at his feet to worship him, but he said to me, “You must not do that! I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God.” For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

 It seems clear to me also from this passage in Revelations, that prophecy is given so we might rejoice in Christ having overcome and brought us to be filled at the Father's table, having been ransomed by him. Prophecy should celebrate the certainty of his coming as the bedrock of our joy, freeing us to submit requests and believe for particular events or specific manifestations - because our hearts are set on him, not these outcomes.  I remember Jesus telling his disciples not to let their rejoicing or rest or fulfillment be found in having received even spiritual blessings such as the demons having been made subject to them, but instead to rejoice that their names were written in heaven.  All our fountains are in him.  Jesus alone is our prophet, priest, and king.  Please take to him all I have said, let him confirm it, and let us praise him together.