Doubt creeps in, slowly devouring the dreamlike state. The early morning hours now gone, washed out by the sun's imposing rays, had given shelter to an apparition of something truly amazing. This gentle dance of new delight, by noon appears to warrant fright. How many ways affection does accost the status quo with threats of joy. The sweet savour of close proximity utters vain imaginations and calls upon the weakness of our composition to unite with the dark chasm far below. True friendship looks beyond the swirling tempest of intemperate infatuation and holds fast to that better thing which is already in hand. It waits for that day when acknowledgement of mutual respect and adoration is not something to be obtained or bartered for, but without effort, without burden or strain, is simply understood. It is this beautiful day that we long for and often foolishly believe we can hasten into being, but you do better.
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