a futile visitation, a fertile seed

Jan 17, 2006 - the visitation

I had terrible dreams last night, literally "terrible." Look it up if you need to. So gruesome, that I did not want to get out of bed this morning, or even to open my eyes. The thought alone of these things happening is enough to break a man. They have happened, and will again, but to experience it is traumatic.
The weight of these dreams remains within me, but for a purpose. The torturers were represented as physical beings, but were so much more. The destruction that they waged was horrible in a physical sense, but was so much more. I experienced probably the worst earthly experience possible, and to make it worse, it was all representative of the spiritual, and real.
Matthew 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.  This the Holy Spirit brought to my heart regarding these dreams, saying don't fear these earthly events, stand against these spiritual slayings, because this is real, this is serious, and this is happening now.
If we are destroyed spiritually, it is by our own choice not to meditate in His word day and night. It is by our own choice not to let His praise continually be on our lips. It is by our own choice not to pray without ceasing. Offer yourself as a living sacrifice.
Choose now life or death, blessing or cursing. Will you yield to God's will, make all of your time His, and become truly alive in His love, or will you give your life to daytime TV, video games, your job, fill in the blank, and sit helpless in agony as your children are beaten, burned, raped and cut apart piece by piece, watching as what is left of their shell is tossed at your feet? If we do not become Holy and separate to God, then this is what happens, maybe not physically, but then we aren't to fear the physical, but the spiritual, and there, it has already started. We need to wake up. All we ever have is right now, and we need to stop throwing it away.
This has been deeply troubling to me, and it is the message given to me from from God again and again. At times I have listened and followed with truly amazing results, but I have become lazy and fallen into spiritual atrophy, inviting the enemy to bring destruction. We must urge each other on toward the life that we have been called to IN CHRIST.

Summer '06 - the seed matures

In this dream a group of destroyers, devils, appearing in human or near human form had captured a number of families including mine (and myself). We watched as first the children of each family were tortured - to put it nicely - then killed. The chopped remains of the children’s' mortal frames were then tossed upon the parents - torture enough - before the parents were then tortured and killed. I watched as my own children suffered the indescribable agony. Covered in the slop of my children’s' remains, my turn came, and I was brought before the destroyers. They were like a pack of wolves with a distinct leader. I don't think that I could ever forget the pungent feeling/understanding/smell of his presence. Consider the feeling and knowing of being saturated in glory in the power of the Holy Spirit. It was of that spiritual nature, but external, potent only inferior and opposite, quite dark. I could feel the heavy terror emanating from him, reaching for my soul, but it could not connect. It's nothing to suffer for a short time and for our bodies to die. There could be no fear; all suffering is temporal when your true existence begins and ends in Christ. I began to become aware of the hotel room where I had gone to sleep, the other bed, the bedside table, the opposite wall, the TV cabinet, and directly behind me, the lead destroyer was still present in all his fullness, his darkness. It had not been only a dream. It had been a visitation, and still was. Once again there was an attempt to bring me under this nearly inescapable fear. While the attack was quite strong, I discerned the enemy's awareness of its futility; he attacked only because he was compelled to do so. Then the Holy Spirit spoke into me, "And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell..." I let His words of peace fill me, and perceived the evil spirit shrinking away. As it left I could discern the attitude of disdain, grumbling, complaint at having been forced by authority to be there. This was puzzling and disturbing. I knew that God had allowed this visitation for a purpose, but I did not know why. What I had written Jan 17, 2006 was all I knew of His purpose relative to this visitation. This was not a 'fun' experience, and I would not have asked for it, but for His purposes I am willing... anything.
A few months passed, and I was vacationing in Atlanta with my family. One evening my wife and I had agreed to let our children stay the night in their grandmother's hotel. Having dropped them off, we approached the parking garage elevator that would take us to our level and found that a man had held it for us. He asked which floor, and pressed that button, only that button. He allowed us to exit the elevator first, and as we reached our vehicle I became aware of how very close behind us he was. I stopped at my vehicle, and he was directly behind me, not more than a blade's length between us. At that moment I perceived the terrible presence of the destroyer once again, now from within this man, right behind me. An unmistakable feeling/knowing/perception/smell having known it before. Immediately the Holy Spirit invoked in me the peace of His words spoken to me that morning months before: fearlessness. I had been allowed or provided the visitation months earlier as an acquaintance to prepare or program me for this moment. God had placed in me a seed which matured at that instant as a shield of faith. I had no doubt in that moment that I could not be touched.  The man quickly moved away from me, greatly surprised, dumbfounded.  I do not know what that man's motivations were for killing me, or what exactly he experienced that night, but I have not forgotten his face.

Do not view today's unpleasant experiences as an absence of God's provision for your life. Trust that His ways are higher than yours, His thoughts higher than your own. 

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