The Lord, Not the Calling.

     I couldn't sleep. I was absolutely thrilled, elated with thankfulness for what was to be. I had been approved to work as a substitute teacher, and had received my first assignment, high school science. That might sound like a nightmare to some of you, but my heart overflowed because of his favor toward me in this! What a blessing! I was sure I would see the Lord's goodness! The thought occurred to me, "What if it's a total disaster?" A fair question, from the Lord I think.

     What if? His blessing is guaranteed in Christ, not my ideas of how it may manifest. It could be a complete disaster, and, however bad, still be a blessing. This gave me pause. The goodness of the Lord I was sure of upon expectation of certain events, is true goodness regardless of the actual outcome. A hopeful appreciation of the circumstances reminded me of his kindness, and He reminded me of himself as my treasure, unfading. However things turned out, it would be at least as good as I imagined, though it might look and feel far different than I supposed. He is worthy of that joyful thanksgiving and praise, independent of things going "our way", and that is His gift us us. We have his good name to celebrate, his self-satisfaction to rest in.

     Fifteen minutes into the first period, I had to call the office to report a student having left the classroom without permission. At this time, another student seated nearby let out *the loudest* flatulence I have ever heard, and the entire class erupted into raucous laughter, with the vice-principle on the phone. Had I feared the establishment of my rapport with the school staff, (probably the first concern for subs who desire call-backs), I'd have been mortified. Instead, knowing the Lord's good design for our troubles, that moment was pleasant! I enjoyed his favor then in a way I could not have if things had gone, "right." Having received wisdom, I finished the call, waited a moment for the students to settle somewhat on their own, and redirected them to their work. The rest of the day went smoothly. The senior staff, "poked their heads in", a few times, finding the classroom as it should be, students attentive to my teaching and their assignments.

     I was remembered, and called back repeatedly, not merely for having maintained solemnity, but for bringing order from chaos. This was the Lord's doing, and it was marvelous in my eyes.

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