Found this old exercise today. The idea was to just type an idea and hit enter, just to write anything. no edits.
feb 3, 2011 10:31am
notice differences and how they are all one
lead me on a journey of change without conflict but rich in paradox
a seed is a cycle
of bread
or bread is in the cyle of the seed
formed of water on the branch
once fallen and dead it drws its sustenance fromt the earth
still dependent on water
it becomes a magnificent new creature
sometimes bread
why else grow if not to extend the life that the earth and water provide
you spoke in a way that every complex situatoin was summed up in such simple matters.
revealing great complexity in the simplest of things
bearing out the confounding of the wise.
just doing this simple thing means so much!
excitng, scary
doing all this complicated stuff means so little
and the music of it all
that's what i hear isnt it?
almost everyone's playing in a minor key
but theyve got their sweet melodies all of them
sinister though some
or comical delights in follishness
complete folly, vanity a proudly marched farandole
haven't really been out enough lately to taste the measure of the flow
and what dark, still, stagnant waters have i camped by?
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