Don't worry mama: he's comin' for you.
He's gonna lift you up, beyond the blue.
Don't mind the darkness; just look for heaven's dew.
The earth is breaking open now; up springs life so new: he comes for you.
Look it's rainin' mama; a thousand tiny worlds well they can't keep away.
The earth, it pulls them down, reaches up, empties the skies of grey.
Sometimes it whispers; some-times it floods. What do you hear them say?
I hear them sing to me of love, falling to rise another day: a thousand worlds can't keep away.
The trees make peace with gravity. They fight and they rise; they thrive on the life that dissolves the stone.
Up top they build houses for birds, and hang fruit for the ones down below.
They sing every one, and they clap their hands. Through winter and spring, be sure they will stand for the sun's return.
He was, and he is, and he comes: our hearts come alive as he burns.
He was, and he is, and he comes.
Don't worry Mama: he's comin' for you.